Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Madness at Millard: Day Four, Part One

I took the bus the next day, sitting across the aisle from Dominick and Blanky, who was feeling better I assume. 

“What'd I miss?” She asked. 

“You missed High School Musical. Lucky you.” I said. A black rose fell on her head. 

“Wuh... High School Musical?” She asked, taking the black rose and putting it on the floor. 

“Yeah. Mr. Revolution was out, so we had a sub that put it on.” Dominick replied. 

“Wow, I pity you guys.” She said. 

“You have no idea.” Dominick replied. 

“It was awful.” I said. 

Understatement." Dominick said. 

"...Oh my." She said. “Exactly.” I said. 

“What else happened?” Blanky asked. 

“Nothing else, really...except this random girl asked me out. I rejected her, so she threw a dodgeball at me and gave me a black eye. Luckily, Aeolos here came and saved me.” Dominick said. 

“...Who is this girl you speak of?” Blanky asked. 

“Erm...I think it was...Anise?” Dominick said, sounding unsure. 

“Never heard of anyone with that name.” Blanky said.

“I think it was Alice.” I said. 

“You mean that obnoxious girl with the camo pants who desperately tries being a tomboy?” Apparently the bully of a girl was Alice. “...No, not her...” Dominick said, scratching his head. 

“MAYBE IT WAS VLADOMIR!” Gold shouted. 

“Eh, Annie?” I asked. 

“I'm pretty sure it was a girl.” Dominick said to Gold. “Something like that, yeah...” Her replied to me. It took a while but I finally figured it out. 

“Anita! That was her name. She's a loon. She tried to get me to make a pizza for her and was all over me.” I said, shuddering.

Gold had a spaz attack, and Demetri went to apologize to Blanky. I turned my attention away as a couple new people got on the bus. They were both tan with blonde hair, so I assumed they were related, but they still had some difference. One was a girl, a little on the short side, and had a very full figure. Not so full as to be considered fat in any way, but still--Okay, I think you get it. She was dressed in a cowgirl get-up. A white blouse, a short denim skirt, cowboy boots and of course a cowboy hat. The other was a boy, tall and muscular, he was dressed plain and normal, probably hoping he wouldn't stick out.

“Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! Aren't you, Leslie?” The girl said to her brother. 

“They're just gonna make fun of me, I know it...” The boy mumbled. 

“Aww, no they ain't, Lessy...” The girl said calmly. They both sat down. 

“Hi...” Zoey said, peering over his shoulder. 

“Hello, young one, even though you look older than me, but you probably aren't, and I have no idea what I'm talking about...” Gold said to the boy. He looked at him with a blank face. 

“Oh, I should introduce everyone. I'm Gold, and everyone else on this bus, including you two, is named Vladomir!” Gold said, with an insane look on his face. 

“My name isn't Vladomir, it's Leslie.” The boy said, then looking back at the window. The girl sat down by Demetri. 

“Oh, hi~!” She said, looking over at Blanky and Dominick. Demetri stared at her quietly. “I'm Daisy, what's your name?” She asked him, cheerily. 

“My name... is... Demetri.” He said. 

“It's nice to meet you, Demetri!” She said with a smile. 

“Hallo.” Blanky said to Daisy, finally noticing her looking over the bus seat. 

"Are you a new student? I don't recall seeing you around before.” Dominick asked. 

“Umm, yeah. We missed yesterday because Leslie had to go to the doctors to get his cast taken of off his arm.” She said. 

“Oh...well, welcome to the school, even though we haven't arrived yet. You'll be wanting to transfer soon.” Dominick said. 

“That's not very welcoming, Dominick.” Blanky replied. 

“It's true...anyway, yeah, I'm Dominick.” He introduced himself. 

“I'm Blanky. ...Yes, that's my name.” Blanky introduced herself. 

“I'm Daisy. Uhh, my real name is Margaret, but I'd rather you called me Daisy. Everyone does. And that's my brother Leslie.” Daisy said, gesturing to her glum-looking 'little' brother.

“...Hi.” He said. “Leslie? Isn't that a girl's name?” Blanky asked. 

“It's probably unisexual...” Dominick answered. 

“Take it back.” Leslie said, standing up and balling his fists. 

“Leslie, calm down, I'm sure she didn't mean to offend you. Remember, you don't hit girls, Leslie.” Daisy said, a little panicky. Leslie sat back down with a big heavy sigh. 

“Yeah, sorry. Just never heard it being used as a guy name before.” Blanky apologized. Daisy looked at another of the boys in class, Michael. 

“Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you?” She asked. “Yeah, you looked familiar to...” He replied. 

“OH! You're one of DJ's friends.” She said. Michael didn't seem to hear her.

Emette was laughing under his breath at hearing Leslie's name.  

"What is so funny?” Leslie asked, in a low sort of growl, it seemed. 

“Seriously? You're name's Leslie? What, were your parent's expecting you to be a girl? Or are they just really dumb?” Emette said. 

“Take it back.” Leslie growled, his fists clenched. 

“Ya know, just because you're the green giant doesn't mean I'm afraid of you." Emette taunted. Leslie grabbed him by the collar and lifted him, so he could see Emette eye to eye, he must've towered a whole foot over him. 

“You better knock it off, or you will be sorry.” He said. 

“Why's your name Leslie? Don't you want to be Vladomir and not have a girl's name like Leslie?” Gold asked. Emette fished a pocket knife out of his pocket. 

“It's not a girl's name!” Leslie shouted. 

“Dude, it kinda is. And the fact that you're practically a mountain makes it hilarious.” Emette said. Leslie colored with anger and embarrassment, and tossed Emette across the bus. My eyes widened in fear and shock. Emette stood up, undaunted. 

“I ain't afraid to fight you, bud!” He shouted. 

“Jus' knock it off, would you?!” Leslie asked. 

“Hmm... nah. How 'bout you go back to playing with your dolls, huh?” Emette taunted. He was really asking for what came next. Leslie tackled him, and pinned him down. 

“Let go of me, you ogre!” Emette shouted. 

“Then STOP making fun of me!” He shouted. Emette went to cut him with the pocket knife. Leslie threw him again. 

“Cat fiiiight.” Blanky said. 

“Shouldn't you be holding your brother back?” Dominick asked Daisy. 

“Do you think you can take me so easily?” Emette shouted, in a painful sounding tone. He attacked him. 

“He really scares me when he gets like this... I tried to stop him once before... it didn't turn out very good...” Daisy said. Leslie grabbed Emette's arm as he came close, and twisted it. Emette winced in pain and tried to slice Leslie's arm with his knife in his free hand. Leslie tossed him into a seat. 

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” Alice shouted. 

“Really, a fight?” Ame asked. 

“Got that right.” Fern replied. 

“Hey, that rhymed.” Blanky said. Emette cut a big gash in his hand. 

“DAMNIT!!!” He shouted. 

Leslie was breathing heavily, probably going to go at him again, until Daisy tugged on the back of his shirt. 

“L-l-leslie...” She said, with a panicky tone.

“WHAT?!” He shouted at her, looking rather pissed off. 

“Calm down. ...P-please?” Daisy asked, trembling in fear. Leslie sat down with a sigh, looking out the window. Daisy rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. 

“Is that it?!” Alice shouted, angry at the fight cut short. 

“I only lost because we're on a bus.” Emette said. “Says the sore loser.” Dominick said. “I'll win next time!” Emette growled defiantly. 

“No, you won't. Because I won't fight you unless it's necessary.” Leslie said, clearly and loudly, so everyone heard. 

“I can make it necessary...” Emette growled quietly, only Leslie could hear. Leslie glared at him.

Some more new kids came onto the bus, about six of them. Three boys, three girl. Most of them were unusually uninteresting, save for a gangly boy, with dark red hair over one of his eyes, who skipped onto the bus whistling 'If I Were A Rich Man'. I didn't participate in the conversation until it turned to the subject of Blanky's hair, which I was very curious about. 

“Ehm, hello new people... That's really natural?” I asked Blanky. 

“...Uh-huh.” She replied. 

“Oh. Mine's not.” I said quietly. 

"Well, technically, my hair's black/very dark blue, with navy blue highlights.” Blanky said.  

“Were your parents aliens or something?” Dominick asked. 

“Not that I know of. What, you never seen a naturally blue-haired person before?!” Blanky shouted. 

“...no.” Dominick said, which was obviously a lie seeing how close he was with Blanky. The new kids introduced themselves. 

“Ehm... hi I'm Aeolos.” I said. 

“Daisy~!” She introduced herself. Leslie continued his brood. 

“I think my name's Ukrainian.” Blanky said after someone asked what language it was. 

“It sounds more French to me.” I said. 

“I think it sounds like a play on the word blanket...” One of the new girls, with deep red hair, said. 

“Maybe it is...” Blanky replied to me. 

“Are you kidding me? Like Redhead pretty much said, it a play on the word Blanket.” Dominick said. 

“As if.” Blanky scoffed. 

“Hmm... were your parents hippies?” I asked. 

“Hippies? What the heck? Not that I know of...” Blanky answered. 

“Oh, hmm. I haven't a clue, then.” I said.

After the seemingly endless bus ride, we finally got to the school. One of the ...special kids of the school crashed a toy rocket into my head. 

“We crashed.” He said. I tried to keep my composure and ignore him. I walked into the school. 

“Hi, you're cute!” Zoey said. “And tall!” Well, I guess we know it can't be yours truly she's talking to. 

“Thanks?” Leslie said. 

“Well it's true.” She replied.

The first class of the day was History. Whooooo, fun. There was a test that day. I just guessed at the answers, biting at my thumbnail. It was very quiet and seemed to zip by quickly.

The next class was English, and I had spotted Emette in the hall before class, so I ran to hide, of course, in my usual coward-ish way, behind the trashcan. As he walked away to terrorize another person, I sneaked into class. You see, in past years, I've been the Class Nerd. I didn't want to go back to that so my best way, I suppose, was avoiding being terrorized.

Aaaaaanyway. We were supposed to read a book for class and the name of it still. To this day, escapes me. I don't think it even had a title. Leslie seemingly jumped at a chance to sit close to one the girls in class, Belinda's cousin Sky. It was kind of adorable. I read quietly in hopes of actually getting caught up with the book. 

“What's a Percy?” Sky asked. 

“Is it like a Leslie?” I replied. Leslie glared at me. I hid under the desk out of his reach. 

“Percy and Leslie are names for boys. Except Leslie is more commonly used for girls. No offense, Leslie.” The darker twin said. I finally figured out that her name was Sandy. And her sister was Mandy. 

Anyway, who would like to read next?” The teacher, Gordon, asked. I ducked my head in hopes of not being chosen. Sky was chosen to read, and she did it reluctantly. 

After Sky, Leslie was chosen. Leslie cleared his throat and read, tripping over his words slightly, obviously he wasn't used to having to speak to others. 

“Hey, sorry, nobody can really hear you up there!” Emette shouted, obviously not ready to give up on poor Leslie as a victim. The way he was treating Leslie, it was obvious, jealousy. Emette was short, shorter than I was then, and had a small, bird-like frame making my own look slightly pudgy. It was amazing how it hadn't taken any real damage from the fight earlier. He had black hair slicked back, and pale skin, a complete opposite of Leslie's sunny color. After Leslie was done speaking, he laid his head down on his desk. 

“It's okay, Sky's here...” Sky said, stroking his hair [Only 5 minutes and she already loved him]. When I was paying attention again, Sandy was called upon to read. She fainted. Poor girl...

After English, it was time for Lunch. Nothing too eventful. ...For the first five minutes. Leslie was looking glum, and his sister was consoling him, and it nearly worked, until Emette came and shoved his lunch in his face. Leslie stood up angrily. 

“That is IT! I have had enough of you, you annoying little twerp!” He shouted, his voice ringing through the Lunch hall. It got a lot quieter real quick-like. 

“Ooh, the big bad Leslie is mad. I better run.” Emette said sarcastically. Leslie shoved him into a wall roughly. 

“Is being physical the only way you're going to learn?!” He shouted. 

“I'm going to win this time.” Emette said, brandishing his pocket knife and running to stab him. 

As he did before, Leslie twisted his arm and threw him into the wall again. It seemed like Leslie was used to this kind of thing. May be too used to it. Emette jousted at him again, and Leslie quickly got him in a lock, grabbed the knife, and shoved him away to the wall again. 

Emette ran up and punched Leslie in the face, since his knife was hijacked. As the fight raged on, most of the students started crowding around, chanting with excitement 'FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!' as Alice took bets. 

Leslie wiped away the blood dripping from his nose with his flannel sleeve and took Emette by the arm again, FLINGING HIM ACROSS THE ROOM, as if he were a tiny little Ballerina. 

After hitting the wall yet again in a way that would've broken any normal human's back [clearly this kid wasn't], Emette went about throwing any random objects at Leslie, including... a table. A GOD-DAMNED TABLE. It hit Leslie like as brick, and it looked like he would go down, the students got silent for a moment. 

Leslie shot back up weakly, and took hold of Emette again, and threw him, his energy was clearly giving out, for he didn't get far, and Leslie was gasping for breath. As Leslie tried to catch his breath, Emette got his pocket knife, and stabbed Leslie in the arm. The newly-healed broken bone his sister was telling Dominick about. 

Leslie fell down to his knees, clutching his arm. Then Emette kicked him down. Leslie tried to will himself to get up, but he couldn't. 

“Give up yet?” Emette said smugly, resting a foot down on Leslie's neck. Leslie just kept completely still and quiet. Ashamed with himself, with everyone's eyes on him, in pity and in sadistic grins at the poor, brave young boy's expense.

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